The Eternal Journal Project is a visual arts project conceived and coordinated by artist and creative facilitator Amy Shiner.
Amy started the project in collaboration with Studio Upstairs, a not-for-profit arts and health charity. This is a national charity, providing creative hubs for people with mental and emotional challenges. Within these safe communities members are able to express themselves through creativity and connect with others.
As a volunteer at Studio Upstairs, Amy witnessed first hand the need for people to tell their stories. Everyone has a story to tell, and organisations, such as Studio Upstairs, provide a supportive place where each person’s story is heard with respect, empathy and understanding.
Where there is no organisation to hand, Creative Journaling can fill the gap. It is Amy’s mission to relay this message to the world.​​​
The Eternal Journal exhibited at Fringe Arts Bath
Amy's interest in arts for mental health was born from her childhood experiences. Her mother had bi-polar for many years. She was a highly creative woman who would have benefited enormously from organisations such as Studio Upstairs, or from the simple act of Creative Journaling - neither of which were available to her at the time.
In an attempt to redress this, Amy decided to tell the world about Creative Journaling. She knows from experience it is a powerful tool to help people to heal. Here people can share their stories wherever they are in the world and it is Amy’s mission, through The Eternal Journal Project, to make this happen.​​
The project allows people to experience for themselves the benefits of Creative Journaling. It gives them the opportunity to create a page for the ever growing journal, and to share their stories world-wide.
Amy also runs Creative Journaling workshops within all types of organisations. These include mental health, neurodiverse, educational, arts and health, and various support groups. At every workshop there is the opportunity to create an
A4 page to add to The Eternal Journal.
The Eternal Journal has been exhibited in various venues and will continue to be shown far and wide to spread the message to as many people as possible.​​​
If you would like to know more and would be interested in a workshop for your organisation or group please go to the workshops page.